Useful Commands
Useful Commands for everyday tasks
Table of Contents
Linux Management
To use find to remove files
find . -name "*.o" -exec rm {} \;
To find and delete files matching a criteria but not another
find . -depth -name "*.pdf" -prune -not -name "*graded.pdf" -delete
find . -name "*.cpp" -print | xargs sed -i 's/jose/jaabell/g'
Find recently changed files
find -mtime 0 -type f -print
Find where apt-get installs things
sudo dpkg -L packagename
Killing a screen session
screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] quit
Deleting lines from file matching a criteria
sed '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
Control volume from command line
amixer -D pulse sset Master 100%
Find and delete all broken symlinks in a folder
find . -xtype l -delete
List folders by space utilized
du -hs * | sort -h
Setting IP address from Command Line:
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
Linux system setup
Don't use gnome app, simply use
View printing queue from command line
Cancel a job
Encrypt and decrypt files
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > out.tar.gz.enc
openssl enc aes-256-cbc -d -in out.tar.gz.enc | tar xz
Git Management
Create and checkout a local branch and set it up to track a remote branch
git checkout -b master -t origin/master
Where origin/master
is a remote branch.
Git history cleanup:
git gc --aggressive
Adding a branch
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>
Formally git push
git push -u <remote-name> <branch-name>
So that a subsequent git pull will know what to do (set upstream tracking)
Setting up a non-empty folder to be a git repo
cd <localdir>
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'message'
git remote add origin <url>
git push -u origin master
Setting up upstream in GitHub
git remote add upstream
git remote -v
SSH Tricks
Shutdown a frozen SSH session. Press :
Proceed to resume happyness.
Tunnelling all traffic through SSH tunnel
Use sshuttle
sshuttle -r essi 0/0 -vv
Managing gitolite
Checkout the gitolite admin repo:
git clone git@powa:gitolite-admin gadmin
To add a user SSH key do the following:
- Add it to the keydir
Multiple keys for same user either in subfolders or using @ ie. equivalently
Stage it and commit it
git add . git commit -m "message"
Push to the gitolite repo
git push
Changing admin settings
Open the file
Make changes, commit and push
git commit -am "message" git push
If directly changing stuff in the gitolite server (ie. logging in through ssh into the git user)
Remember to use:
ssh (myusername) su git [input the typical CompGeoMech password]
Make some changes and then
gl-setup gl-admin-push
To add a new repo:
- Add a new line into the
file - Push changes into gitolite
- Pull the new (empty) repo
- Add stuff to it and push
- Good to go!
Python cool stuff
Iteration awesomeness.
a = ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']
b = ['b1', 'b2']
will iterate 3 times, the last iteration, b will be None.
print "Map:"
for x, y in map(None, a, b):
print x, y
will iterate 2 times, the third value of a will not be used
print "Zip:"
for x, y in zip(a, b):
print x, y
will iterate 6 times, it will iterate over each b, for each a producing a slightly different output
print "List:"
for x, y in [(x,y) for x in a for y in b]:
print x, y
IPython Notebook
Install pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install ipython --upgrade
sudo pip install ipython[notebook]
IPython Notebook server
sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook
from IPython.lib import passwd
#Enter passwd
Create an SSL certificate to encrypt session openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem
to look something like this
c = get_config()
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.port = 16562
c.NotebookApp.certfile = u'/home/jaabell/ipython_notebook_ssl_certificate.pem'
c.NotebookApp.password = u'sha1:e6356b6e0ee8:1906d7f56995bc18925c4af976ac3a588bc10913'
c.IPKernelApp.ip = u'*'
c.IPKernelApp.pylab = 'inline'
c.FileNotebookManager.notebook_dir = u'/home/jaabell/www/blog/content/ipython_notebooks'
Create a profile for the server
ipython profile create nbserver
Edit ~/.config/ipython/profile_nbserver/
Run the server
ipython notebook --profile=nbserver
Keep the server alive with supervisor
sudo apt-get install supervisor
To view contents of a static library (*.a)
nm -C <PATH_TO_LIB>.a > contents.txt
The -C
flag is for C++.
To search a bunch of libraries for a specific function:
for lib in $(find $PATH -name \*.a) ; do echo $lib ; nm $lib | grep "specific_function" | grep -v " U " ; done
After running a program compile with -g -pg the call graph can be visualized with and xdot (or dot).
gprof ~/bin/essi_semidebug | | dot -Tdot -o
or just create a png
gprof ~/bin/essi_semidebug | | dot -Tpng -o output.png
Compile MVAPICH2 with message queue debugging.
./configure --prefix=".." --enable-debuginfo --disable-mcast
Get libnuma
to do optimization for NUMA architechtures.
sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev
To use a different compiler with mpicc and mpic++ export OMPI_CC=clang export OMPI_CPP=clang++
MPI Performance
Need to try this out. Its supposed to be good.
Get from
Requires libunwind, binutils and libiberty
sudo apt-get install libunwind8 libunwind8-dev binutils-dev libiberty-dev
./configure --enable-collective-report-default --enable-demangling=GNU --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpic++ --with-f77=mpif77 --prefix=/usr/local
make -j 24
sudo make install
If all good ll /usr/local/lib/libmp* should return /usr/local/lib/libmpiP.a
Append to code at linktime the following flags
-lmpiP -lbfd -liberty -lunwind
Possibly also the place where libmpiP.a is available throught the -L option. Ie. for above -L/usr/local
... unnecesarry.
Monitor and profile performance counters through PAPI interaface. Has nice viewer, apparently.
Building and installation
From Checkout both hpctoolkit and hpctoolkit-externalsL:
svn co hpctoolkit
svn co hpctoolkit-externals
Build externals (prefix set to a local dir):
cd hpctoolkit-externals
mkdir BUILD && cd BUILD
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ --prefix=/home/jaabell/Programs/local/
make -j 8
make install
make clean
Build the toolkit. On ubuntu 14.04 libpapi is located on /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, make links into /usr/lib for this to work.
cd hpctoolkit
mkdir BUILD && cd BUILD
../configure CC=gcc CXX=g++ MPICXX=mpic++ --prefix=/usr/local --with-externals=/home/jaabell/Programs/local --with-papi=/usr/
make -j 8
sudo make install -j 8
Figure out list of PAPI events:
Some interesting ones for me, that were available on my laptop
PAPI_L1_DCM : Level 1 data cache misses
PAPI_L2_DCM : Level 2 data cache misses
PAPI_L3_DCM : Level 3 data cache misses
PAPI_TLB_DM : Data translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_FP_INS : Floating point instructions
PAPI_TOT_CYC : Total cycles
PAPI_FP_OPS : Floating point operations
PAPI_VEC_DP : Double precision vector/SIMD instructions
Can also get a list of events (PAPI and native) using -L option
hpcrun -L essi > HPCeventlist.txt
Run application through hpcrun
(this worked on nagoy)
hpcrun \
-e PAPI_L1_DCM@5300013 \
-e PAPI_L2_DCM@5300013 \
-e PAPI_TOT_CYC@5300013 \
-e PAPI_FP_OPS@5300013 \
essi -nf <file>
Provides a simple command-line interface into performance counters.
Get from
Requires PAPI library libpapi.a to be in a reasonable locations. See HPCToolkit.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --with-papi=/usr
make -j 16
sudo make install
Tuning BLAS and LAPACK with ATLAS
Install cpufrequtils:
sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils
Then edit the following file (if it doesn't exist, create it):
sudo nano /etc/default/cpufrequtils
And add the following line to it:
Save and exit.
If you need performance, do:
sudo /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils restart
Finding out "real" CPUS from hyperthreading ones
On my laptop Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz
Look at cat /proc/cpuinfo
and look at the core ids. Pick processors which are on different cores.
--force-tids="4 0 1 2 3"
Now to tune BLAS and LAPACK with ATLAS....
mv ATLAS ATLAS3.10.x
cd ATLAS3.10.x
mkdir linux_x86_64_intel_i7_laptop
cd linux_x86_64_intel_i7_laptop
../configure -b 64 -D c -DPentiumCPS=2000 --prefix=/home/jaabell/Programs/lib --with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=/home/jaabell/Programs/lapack-3.5.0.tgz --force-tids="4 0 1 2 3"
Explanation -b
is the pointer bitwidth, -D c -DPentiumCPS=2000
sets the CPU clock rate so that
ATLAS can use CPU cycles for timing, --prefix
where to install, -with-netlib-lapack-tarfile=
where is the lapack tarball, and --force-tids="4 0 1 2 3"
ATLAS to only use those core ids given (first number is the number of cores to use).
make build # tune & build lib
make check # sanity check correct answer
make ptcheck # sanity check parallel
make time # check if lib is fast
make install # copy libs to install dir
Edit I added:
Compilers... CC = gcc CXX = g++ TARGET_ARCH = -march=native AR = gcc-ar
Installation... INSTALL_LIB = /home/jaabell/Programs/lib INSTALL_INCLUDE = /home/jaabell/Programs/include
BLAS and LAPACK come from ATLAS... ESSI_DEPEND_DIR = /home/jaabell/Repositories/essi_dependencies BLAS = $(ESSI_DEPEND_DIR)/lib/libcblas.a $(ESSI_DEPEND_DIR)/lib/libf77blas.a $(ESSI_DEPEND_DIR)/lib/libatlas.a -lgfortran LAPACK = $(ESSI_DEPEND_DIR)/lib/liblapack.a
Other cool stuff
Making videos of stuff
Screen capture / streaming / making desktop videos with audio
on bin/recordscreen (python script)
see recordscreen --help
kazam (sudo apt-get install kazam)
Making a movie from separate png images.
avconv -r 60 -i movie%04d.png movie.mp4
The options are
qscale 5
... seems to be deprecated define fixed video quantizer scale (VBR) where 1 is the best and 31 the worst. Since mpeg/jpeg has problems to compress line graphics it’s a good idea to set this variable close to 1. You get a big movie file, but otherwise the movie doesn’t look, well, that good.r
: framerateb
: video bitratei
: input files,%04d
says that we have four numbers in the filename where the number is filled with zeros left of
is the filename, the extension says that it is a quicktime movie. You can also create a Macromedia Flash movie by using the .flv extension.
to get higher quality (play with crf parameter
= 1 (best) = 31 (worst))
avconv -r 60 -i movie%04d.png -c:v libx264 -crf 2 ../../movie_2_npps.mp4
for non-even sized movies a little trick should be played:
avconv -r 60 -i movie%04d.png -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" movie.mp4
Explanation for -vf
parameter, from StackOverflow
Basically the issue stems from a bug(?) in libx264 where it complains if the width or height is not an even number. This is weird in the case where I don't want to perform any scaling at all. So the command above will:
- Divide the original height and width by 2
- Round it down to the nearest pixel
- Multiply it by 2 again, thus making it an even number
To get it to work on adobe reader use h264 encoder!
avconv -i source -c:v h264 -c:a copy out.mkv
avconv -i source -c:v libx264 -c:a copy out.mkv
To stick together two videos side by side
avconv -i movie_left.mp4 -vf "[in] scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2, pad=2*iw:ih [left]; movie=movie_right.mp4, scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2 [right]; [left][right] overlay=main_w/2:0 [out]" Output.mp4
On Ubuntu gdb
attaching to processes is forbidden... because hackers. To allow:
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
To permanently allow it edit /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
and change the line:
kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 1
To read
kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0
Website Management (with pelican)
Install pelican using tutorials in website.
Setup: sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install pelican fabric sudo pip install pelican markdown typogrify pelican_youtube ipython
Use fabric or make to build
Using vitualenv
virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/pelican
cd ~/virtualenvs/pelican
. bin/activate
Download the [ipythonnb plugin][]
git clone
Will need pandoc
sudo apt-get install pandoc pandoc-citeproc
Apache management
Once apache is running
To create a new website
Create a new virtual host inside
. Here is the code for my website:ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/ Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all -
Link from
Restart Apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Tweaks to .bashrc
Add screen name to prompt
#For screen
if [ "$TERM" = screen ]; then
Make terminals solarized
wget --no-check-certificate dark
mv dircolors.ansi-dark .dircolors
eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
wget --no-check-certificate light
mv dircolors.ansi-light .dircolors
eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone
cd gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
VisIt tricks
Make window a given size
Save a session file, and edit these lines to achieve desired res:
<Field name="windowSize" type="intArray" length="2">1024 828 </Field>
<Field name="windowImageSize" type="intArray" length="2">1024 768 </Field>
<Field name="windowLocation" type="intArray" length="2">719 133 </Field>
HDF5 Tricks
Dump part of an array
can be used to output portions of an HDF5 file into text, binary or other HDF5 files.
Example 1 Dump 1000 timesteps of the first row of generalized displacements in FILENAME.h5.feioutput.
h5dump -d "/Model/Nodes/Generalized_Displacements" --start="0,0" --count="1,1000" FILENAME.h5.feioutput
Repacking an HDF5 file
Repacking is useful to change chunking layout or add filters (such as compression) after the file has been created.
Example 1 Change the chunking for the generalized displacements dataset to be 10x20. Do:
h5repack -v -l "/Model/Nodes/Generalized_Displacements":CHUNK=10x20 FILENAME_IN.h5.feioutput FILENAME_OUT.h5.feioutput
Example 2 Apply the best compression (GZIP) to all arrays in a file:
h5repack -v -f GZIP=9 FILENAME_IN.h5.feioutput FILENAME_IN.h5.gzip.feioutput